Capital Outlay        12/03/2009

Members Present:

Paul Linehan – Chair                       Selectman Appointed

Walter B. Roach, Jr.                                         Selectman

Richard Alan Powell                       (Alternate) Selectman

Gordon Gladstone                                           Finance

Laura Salomons                                                School Committee

Mitch Blaustein                                                School Committee

William Fowler (ex officio)                         Finance Director

Seth Ruskin                                                        Planning Board

David Milowe                                    Planning Board

Approve Minutes:

                Mitch Blaustein moved to accept minutes from 10/29/2009 meeting, second by David Milowe. Approved unanimously.


Brett  MacGowan - Recreation

1)      Ames St. Playground septic needs to be replaced. Existing system is  backing up and restrooms have had to been shutdown.  Built in 1988 and tank is too small. Rough estimate of $50,000, Brett will work with Jim Andrews to get better estimate.

2)      Boat to replace existing leaking 5hp recreation boat. Used to put out buoys in spring and remove in fall. Estimate $10,000.

3)      Repairs at the care taker’s cottage need to be made. The building is in deplorable condition and needs extensive work. $55,000 estimate, Brett will get 2 more quotes.

4)      Replacement of old boat ramp with a year round ramp. Estimated cost $20,000.




Dennis Mann- Fire Department


1)      Request for new Chief’s car, current car would become backup car the existing backup car would be scrapped (can’t pass inspection).  Requested $45,000.

2)      Request for 30 pagers to be used for call back of firefighters when needed. Estimate $15,000.

3)      Boots (30 pairs @ 350). Existing boots are old and they have no backups. $10,500 requested.

4)      Existing tanker is 25 years old and rusting. Need for brush fires and in areas without hydrants (i.e. Bay Rd and Mountain St area). $200,000 requested.

5)      $205,000 requested for new ambulance. The department’s goal is to replace the ambulance every 5 years and the existing one is nearing that time. The ambulance reserve fund may be able to contribute some money to the replacement but those funds a mainly used for operating costs.

Joseph Bernstein - Police Department

1)      Annual request to funding to replace cruisers. This request is for 3 vehicles with related equipment for a total of $97,500. Options to Crown Victorias were discussed.

2)      Non-lethal public safety equipment (Tasers) were requested for approximately ½ the force. Surrounding towns (Foxboro and Canton are or have purchased. Would give department another tool, less lethal than a gun, to be used when needed.


                Bill Fowler will provide:

1)       Authorized/Unissued debt schedule

2)      Exempt vs. Non Exempt debt schedule

3)      Comparative debts ratios for other communities

Selectman Roach, Chairman Linehan and Bill Fowler discussed potential policy change regarding time limits in how long an approved capital request should be valid and ensuring that departments approved by Capital Outlay are actually ready to carry out the project.

Next Meeting: Proposed for December 10, 2009 7:00 PM to discuss the remainder of the Selectmen’s Sector Capital.


Motion to Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.